Monday, December 17, 2012

Still Warm…Aloft at Least

Fairbanks-land inversions continue to grow early Monday evening: at 6pm, it was above zero in the warmest higher elevations and still in the 40s below on the valley bottoms


  1. Picked up the wife after work at Irving 1...furnace exhausts were blowing sideways and nice and warm. Back here in the College Road milk bottle it's still -40. Gotta' wonder why after almost 48 yrs I haven't moved uphill.

    Back in the late '60's we'd measure ice fog by how many street lights ahead on College we could see. When it was down to one, we knew it was cold.


  2. Or January 1989, when the visibility was about to the hood of your car (so I'm told: I was in in Nome at the time).

  3. Another thing of the past...many folks had one of those small rectangular house thermometers tied to their auto AM radio antenna. Made for entertainment and a point of reference when driving blind. Don't see many with that mod today.

    Then here were those stick-on clear plastic "double pane" insulators for the car's interior windows. Prevented frost from forming. Might be extinct.


    1. These days weather-weenies have digital thermometer probes tied to their vehicle antenna. Of course, the wires regularly break.

      My wife and I were just talking the other day about those clear plastic patches for windows. I had forgotten about those.

