Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Warm Weather Follow-Up

Following up on snow conditions in southwestern Alaska, there hasn't been any clear weather lately to reassess snow cover from satellite, but FAA webcam images now show very little snow for most or all low-elevation locations in the southwestern mainland to the south of the Yukon River.

Sparse or no snow extends at least as far north as Holy Cross and Crooked Creek; but Sleetmute still has snow cover, as does (much farther inland) McGrath:

The warmth in Bethel has been quite pervasive since early December, and the average temperature since December 1 is the sixth highest on record; 1979 holds the record.  2018 (second place) was quite a bit warmer than this winter so far.

The Kuskokwim 300 race has been postponed because of the poor trail conditions:

However, the latest CPC forecast does suggest a change is on the way:

Also noteworthy is extreme warmth on the North Slope this week; early Sunday saw 41°F at Umiat, which ties the record for January.  Temperatures above +40°F were observed from Cape Lisburne in the far west to the easternmost extent of the North Slope - click to enlarge:

Where is all the cold air?  Down south is where: New Orleans had a foot of snow today.


  1. It appears the end of January 2025 will bring Siberian cold to Alaska. That should last until my birthday when we return to 8 hrs of daylight. My guess and expectation. The daylight is welcome.

  2. Alaska is going to get hammered with cold in February. Gonna be a bit shocking after the last two months.

    1. It wouldn't be surprising. The warmest Dec-Jan in Bethel was 1984-85, and that was followed by a cold Feb. And I mentioned 1979 in the post, that was a VERY cold Feb statewide.

    2. +38F and rain in Fairbanks. Soon snow then deep cold next week. The bonus is maybe the rain will freeze overwintering mosquitoes; the downside is it's tough on small hibernating mammals.

    3. Disaster! Winter rain strikes again!

      Rain in Fort Yukon as well today - now that's rare.
